VACANCY: Part-Time Teaching Associate (20%) for the EUTopia Connected Learning Community Legal History (SEP 2022-AUG 2023); DEADLINE 15 AUG 2022

EUTopia is the European University wherin the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and nine other partner institutions have jointly undertaken an ambitious programme of integration in teaching and research. Connected Learning Community Legal History:Minority Rights The EUTopia Connected Learning Community Legal History recruits a 20% Teaching Associate ("Pedagogisch Medewerker") to support the activities in the academic year 2022-2023. The EUTopia Connected Learning Communities are incubators for innovative and societally relevant teaching methods . They enable us to connect students from the various EUTopia campuses across the continent. The Learning Community Legal History is part of the second wave of CoLeCos. Its first year of operations (2022-2023) brought together students from Brussels (VUB), Barcelona (UPF), Warwick, Ljubljana and CY Paris in a physical peak event and a number of online lectures , seminars and informal exchange moments. Lecturers, external expe...