
Showing posts from July, 2022

VACANCY: Part-Time Teaching Associate (20%) for the EUTopia Connected Learning Community Legal History (SEP 2022-AUG 2023); DEADLINE 15 AUG 2022

  EUTopia is the European University wherin the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and nine other partner institutions have jointly undertaken an ambitious programme of integration in teaching and research. Connected Learning Community Legal History:Minority Rights The EUTopia Connected Learning Community Legal History recruits a 20% Teaching Associate  ("Pedagogisch Medewerker") to support the activities in the academic year 2022-2023. The EUTopia Connected Learning Communities are incubators for innovative and societally relevant teaching methods . They enable us to connect students from the various EUTopia campuses across the continent. The Learning Community Legal History is part of the second wave of CoLeCos. Its first year of operations (2022-2023) brought together students from Brussels (VUB), Barcelona (UPF), Warwick, Ljubljana and CY Paris in a physical peak event  and a number of online lectures , seminars  and informal exchange moments. Lecturers, external expe...

PhD DEFENCE: Marco IN 'T VELD, "Commerce and Customs in the Courts: A Comparison Between Mercantile Customs, Jurisdictions and Institutions in Amsterdam and Lyon During the Early 18th Century" (Brussels: VUB, 29 AUG 2022)

  (image source: candidate) Drs. Cornelis Marinus (Marco) in 't Veld will defend his PhD Dissertation in law entitled  Commerce and Customs in the Courts: A Comparison Between Mercantile Customs, Jurisdictions and Institutions in Amsterdam and Lyon During the Early 18th Century  (supervisor: Prof. dr. Dave De ruysscher ). Drs. in 't Veld studied Law (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and was active as PhD-researcher on the FWO Fundamental Research Project   Cataloguing Customs of Trade: Looking Behind the Labels (Amsterdam and Lyon, 1700-1730) at our research centre. He currently works as lecturer at Tilburg Law School. Jury: Prof. dr. Stefania Gialdroni (Università di Padova) Prof. dr. David Deroussin (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3) Prof. dr. Niels Van Dijk (VUB/CORE) Prof. dr. Dave De ruysscher (VUB/CORE - Tilburg Law School/supervisor) Prof. dr. Frederik Dhondt (VUB/CORE - president) Abstract: This dissertation has first compared the economies of both Amsterdam and...

VIRTUAL EXHIBITION: EUTopia Connected Learning Community Legal History: Minority Rights

(image source: EUTopiaLegalHistory ) The Connected Learning Community Legal History:Minority Rights, established within EUTopia at the joint initiative of the VUB (Prof. Dhondt, dr. Cahen) and CY Paris (Prof. Argyriadis-Kervégan), allows students of both institutions to work with their colleagues from Barcelona (UPF, Prof. Aragoneses), Warwick (dr. Bryan/dr. Doyle) and Ljubljana (Prof. Skrubej), with the guidance of three external experts (dr. Leon Castellanos Jankiewicz/Asser Institute - dr. Emmanuel dalle Mulle/Graduate Institute-Universidad Autonoma de Madrid - dr. Daniel Grafenauer/Institute of Ethnic Studies, Lubljana). On 30 June, the end result of this year's group has been published as a  virtual exhibition . More details on the EUTopia  CoLeCo Legal History Blog . The VUB student delegation treated the case of Dutch speakers in Brussels as a minority. Their audiovisual interventions are integrated in the blog and exhibition, but can be found below as well:

ARTICLE: Frederik DHONDT, "John Gilissen and the Teaching of Legal History in Brussels" [Teaching Legal History - History of Legal Teaching, ed. Łukasz KORPOROWICZ] (Acta Universitatis Lodziensis - Folia Iuridica 99 (2022), 19-50) [OPEN ACCESS]

  (image source: Uni Lodz ) Abstract: John Gilissen (1912–1988) was a high-profile legal academic at the Université libre de Bruxelles (°1834) and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (°1969). Personal – albeit fragmentary – archival records deposited with these universities permit to reconstruct his teaching (both ex cathedra-courses for big groups and intensive tutorials), impressive global scientific network and insatiable scientific curiosity. Gilissen is the author of standard works on many aspects of domestic legal history (both public and private), and acquired renown as the secretary-general of the Société Jean Bodin pour l’histoire comparative des institutions. His influential position as a public prosecutor, law professor and legal historian generates a unique insider’s perspective on the confessional, linguistic and constitutional transformation of the country from World War One to the First Reform of the State. The current law curriculum at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel stil...