CORE Weekly Gathering: drs. João Tiago FREITAS MENDES (Brussels: VUB, room B 4.08, 30 JAN 2024)


On Monday 30 January 2024, drs. João Tiago Freitas Mendes (FCT/VUB), doctoral candidate under supervision of prof. dr. Laurent De Sutter, will present his ongoing work on legal sociability. João has been a visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Legal Theory and Legal History in the Fall semsester of 2023.

More information on João here.

The session will take place in room B 4.08 (VUB Humanities, Sciences and Engineering Campus, Building B) at 12:30 and will last until 14:00 at the latest.

RSVP with rodrick dot van dot der dot smissen at vub dot be.


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