OVR Chair Inaugural Lecture (Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit, 18 MAY 2022)
Lecture (in Dutch) at 14:00: Hoe modern was het negentiende-eeuwse neutraliteitsrecht ?
Prof. dr. Frederik Dhondt holds the biannual OVR Chair (Wisselleerstoel Stichting Oud-Vaderlandsch Recht) at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam for 2020-2021 (collega proximus: prof. dr. Hylkje De Jong). The chair consists in a series of lectures, courses and seminars for academics and students based in the Netherlands. Whereas this had been originally planned for 2020-2021, the pandemic obliged the organisers to delay the chair to 2021-2022.
The inaugural lecture, followed by the handing over of the medal Oudvaderlands recht, starts at 14:00 in the Auditorium of the VU's Main Building (De Boelelaan 1105) and is followed by a reception.
Full programme of the Chair (practical information will be added when available):
- Tuesday 8 December 2020: guest lecture for the Honours Course Beyond Grotius (Prof. Louis Sicking) (VU Amsterdam [online]) on the Ostend Company (see here)
- Monday 10 May 2022 : lecture for the Forum Romanum (Amsterdam)
- Friday 13 May: privatissimum on the "Vlaemsche Commissie" (VU Amsterdam)
- Wednesday 18 May, 09:00: co-teaching Legal History (Bachelor of Laws, VU Amsterdam)
- Wednesday 18 May, 14:00: inaugural lecture on 19th century neutrality law (see here)
- Friday 20 May: privatissimum (II) on the "Vlaemsche Commissie" (VU Amsterdam)
- Monday 23 May; 16:00: lecture "Sovereignty and Property at the Congress of Soissons, 1728-1730" for the Stevin Centre for the History of Science and Humanities (Amsterdam)
- Tuesday 24 May, 17:00: lecture at Utrecht University ("Dure beledigingen", see here)
- Wednesday 25 May, 09:00: co-teaching Legal History (Bachelor of Laws, VU Amsterdam)
- Wednesday 25 May, 17:00: Philips van Leiden-dispuut (Leiden)
- Monday 30 May, 12:00: lecture at Erasmus University Rotterdam ("Dure beledigingen", see here)
- Tuesday 31 May, 15:30: lecture at the Universiteit van Amsterdam (on the historiography of international law in Europe)
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