LAUNCH EVENT: EUTopia Connected Learning Community Legal History: Labour Migration: Prof. Cristiana BASTOS, "Across Empires: Plantation Labour in the Aftermath of Abolition" (TEAMS, 21 OCT 2022)


(image source: Prof. Bastos)

Prof. Cristiana Bastos (Lisboa, ERC Advanced Grantee) will hold this year's opening lecture for the EUTopia Connected Learning Community Legal History:Labour Migration. The topic is "Across empires: plantation labour in the aftermath of abolition".

Background reading can be found on Prof. Bastos' project website, and will be shared at registration.

The Connected Learning Community Legal History:Labour Migration brings together the VUB, UPF Barcelona, Ljubljana, Warwick, Nova Lisboa and CY Paris. Five to eight students per institution work together on the common theme of Labour Migration

The event will take place on Friday 21 October at 15:30 Brussels Time.

Registration is mandatory with dr. Elisabeth Bruyère (Elisabeth dot bruyère at vub dot be).


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