BOOK PRESENTATION: Vincenzo DE MEULENAERE, Coudenberg. Het verdwenen Versailles van België (Ghent, B&L, 2025) (KBR: Newspaper Room, 1 APR 2025) [SAVE THE DATE]


Teaching associate Vincenzo De Meulenaere published the book Coudenberg on the palace on the Coudenberg, "Belgium's dissapered Versailles". The author will present the work in the Newspaper Room of the KBR at 16:00 on Tuesday 1 April 2025. Afterwards, a walk on the actual site of the palace will be held.

This initiative is part of the WeKonekt.Bxl-week.

RSVP with vincenzo dot de dot meulenaere at vub dot be by 28 March 2025.


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