
Piotr Kuligowski (Oct 2024)

(iamge source: X)

Piotr Kuligowski is a historian and the leader of the project affiliated with the Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences. His research interests revolve around Polish and European 19th-century history, the history of concepts and ideologies, and parliamentary studies. He publishes in English, French and Polish; in such journals as, among others, 'Journal of Political Ideologies', 'Journal of Modern European History', or 'History of European Ideas'.

Dr. Kuligowksi will present on his project "Sovereignty and Representation: Parliamentary Cruxes in European Interfaces, 1815-1848"; aiming to elucidate how the intertwined concepts of sovereignty and representation were utilized and debated by representative assemblies in European interfaces during the turbulent period of social revolutions and national upheavals. Focusing on the cases of Belgian and Polish representative bodies from the Congress of Vienna to the Spring of Nations, the project explores how these concepts were adapted to post-Vienna and post-1830 arrangements. In both contexts, their political geography—being situated in-between empires and exposed to their influences and interventions—resonates in the perception of sovereignty and representation. Additionally, the accumulated historical experiences of political fragmentation and uncertainty about the future intersected with the aspirations of emerging liberal elites and their perceptions of statehood and political power.

Hylkje De Jong (Feb-Mar 2023)

(image source: VU Amsterdam)

Prof. mr. Hylkje De Jong is Full Professor of Legal History at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She has been selected for the OVR Wisselleerstoel 2022-2023. Prof. De Jong will deliver a public inaugural lecture on 8 March, hold privatissima at the VUB and present her work at both our university and other Belgian institutions (KU Leuven, ULB, UGent, UAntwerpen). The full program can be consulted here.

Miroslav Šedivý (Oct 2022)

Miroslav Šedivý (born in 1980, Prague) is a professor in general history at the University of Pardubice in the Czech Republic. He deals with the history of Europe and the Mediterranean spanning the period from the late 18th to the early 20th century. He has already published a trilogy on the functioning of the post-Napoleonic states system in the Near East (Metternich, the Great Powers and the Eastern Question, Pilsen 2013), Central Europe (Crisis among the Great Powers: The Concert of Europe and the Eastern Question, London–New York 2017) and Italy (The Decline of the Congress System: Metternich, Italy and European Diplomacy, London–New York 2018). His most recent book is on Si vis pacem, para bellum: The Italian Response to International Insecurity 1830–1848 (Vienna 2021). At this moment he is writing The Victory of Realism: The German Quest for International Security 1839–1853 (Paderborn 2023). Professor Šedivý will be in Brussels for a brief research stay from 18 tot to 21 October. He will be going through the various archives of the city. 

Daniel Ricardo Quiroga-Villamarín (Apr-Jun 2022)

(image source: Graduate Institute)

Daniel Ricardo Quiroga-Villamarín holds a Law degree (with a minor in Public Affairs) from the Universidad de los Andes -Uniandes (Bogotá, Colombia) and a MA in International Law from the Institut de Hautes Études Internationales et du Développement -IHEID (Geneva, Switzerland), where he was awarded the Fondation Hans Wilsdorf scholarship & the 2020 Mariano Rubio Prize for best MA mémoire (2018-2020). He is currently a PhD Candidate in International Law (with a minor in International History & Politics) at this same institution (2020-2024). His PhD project ‘Architects of the Better World’: The Birth of the International Conference Complex (1918-1998) was awarded a three-year Doc.CH grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). His research focuses on the intersection of critical social theory, global history, and international & transnational law, with a special concern for issues of global governance. This Spring, he will be based in Brussels as an affiliated researcher at Vrije Universiteit Brussel's Research Group Contextual Research in Law (CORE). Visit his profile here.

We are open to applications by external PhD or postdoctoral researchers for a research stay. Inquiries can be directed at frederik dot dhondt at vub dot be.


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