
Selected publications (2020-2022):

BOOK: Dave DE RUYSSCHER, Albrecht CORDES, Serge DAUCHY, Stefania GIALDRONI & Heikki PIHLAJAMÄKI (eds.), Commerce, Citizenship, and Identity in Legal History [Legal History Library, 54, eds. C.H. VAN RHEE, Dirk HEIRBAUT & Mathew C. MIROW] (Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff/Brill, 2021), 232 p. ISBN 978-90-04-47285-3, € 106 (chapters by Pieter DE REU, Gijs DREIJER, Marco IN 't VELD)

BOOK: Raphaël CAHEN, Jérôme DE BROUWER, Frederik DHONDT & Maxime JOTTRAND (dir.), Les professeurs allemands. Circulation des savoirs juridiques et enseignement du droit (1817-1914) [Standen & Landen/Anciens Pays et Assemblées d'États, vol. 114] (Brussel: ASP, 2022), 176 p. ISBN 9789461172983, € 46

FOCUS SECTION: Wouter DE RYCKE, Maxime JOTTRAND, Marco IN 't VELD & Stéphanie PLASSCHAERT, "Identity, Citizenship and Legal History", dedicated to the Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians organised in Brussels, Rechtsgeschichte 29 (2021)

ENCYCLOPEDIA ENTRY:  Frederik DHONDT, "Treaty on the Establishment of Peace Throughout Christendom (1464))", in: Hélène RUIZ FABRI (ed.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law (Oxford: OUP, 2021), online.

BOOK: Laurent DE SUTTER, Deleuze's Philosophy of Law (transl). (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University press, 2021), ISBN 9781474408325

ARTICLE: Wouter DE RYCKE, "Legislating Utopia; Louis Bara (1821–1857) and the Liberal-Scientific Restatement of International Law in the Nineteenth Century Peace Movement", Journal of the History of International Law/Revue d'histoire du droit international XXIII (2021), 10.1163/15718050-12340146

CHAPTER: Raphaël CAHEN, "Le projet européen de Krause", in: Oscar FERREIRA (dir.), Krausisme juridique et politique en Europe [Rencontres] (Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2021), 267-287

ARTICLE: Dave DE RUYSSCHER & Marco IN 't VELD, "Rembrandt’s insolvency: The artist as legal actor", Oud Holland CXXXIV (2021), No. 1 (April)

CHAPTER: Stephanie PLASSCHAERT, "Unions and Networks in Nineteenth-Century Antwerp Marine Insurance Industry", in: Phillip HELLWEGE & Guido ROSSI (eds.), Maritime Risk Management. Essays on the History of Marine Insurance, General Average and Sea Loan [Coparative Studies in the History of Insurance Law/Studien zur vergleichenden Geschichte des Versicherungsrechts; 11], 2021, 266-297

BOOK: Laurent DE SUTTER, Pour en finir avec soi-même (Paris: PUF, 2020)

ARTICLE: Raphaël CAHEN, "Les Portalis et l'espace germanophone", Revue historique de droit français et étranger 2020 n°4 (décembre), 547-560

CHAPTER: Dave DE RUYSSCHER, "Antwerp Commercial Law in the Sixteenth Century: A Product of the Renaissance? The Legal Facilitating, Appropriating and Improving of Mercantile Practices", in: Bruno BLONDÉ & Jeroen PUTTEVILS (eds.), Antwerp in the Renaissance (Turnhout: Brepols, 2020), ISBN 978-2-503-58833-9

CHAPTER: Frederik DHONDT, “Peace and Law”. In: I. DINGEL, M. ROHRSCHNEIDER, I. SCHMIDT-VOGES, S. WESTPHAL & J. WHALEY (Hrsg.), Handbuch Frieden im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit. Handbook of Peace in Early Modern Europe. [Reference] Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2021, pp. 113-130, ISBN 978-3-11-059131-6. 

BOOK: Serge DAUCHY, Heikki PIHLAJAMÄKI, Albrecht CORDES & Dave DE RUYSSCHER (eds.), Colonial Adventures: Commercial Law and Practice in the Making [Legal History Library, ed. C.H. VAN RHEE, Dirk HEIRBAUT & Matthew C. MIROW] (Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff/Brill, 2020), ISBN 9789004443075

 See more on VUB Pure.


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