The research group members teach or coordinate the following courses:
Politieke Geschiedenis van België (Political history of Belgium) (Prof. dr. F. Dhondt)
First Year Bachelor of Laws/First Year Bachelor of Science in Criminology, 6 ECTS
Rechtssociologie en Inleiding tot de Sociologie (Sociology of Law and Introduction to Sociology) (Prof. dr. N. Van Dijk)
First Year Bachelor of Laws/First Year Bachelor of Science in Criminology, 6 ECTS
Historische Inleiding tot het Privaatrecht (Historical Introduction to Private Law) (Prof. dr. D. De ruysscher)
First Year Bachelor of Laws, 6 ECTS
Inleiding tot de Rechtsfilosofie (Introduction to Philosophy of Law) (Prof. dr. N. Van Dijk)
First Year Bachelor of Laws, 6 ECTS
Historische en Vergelijkende Inleiding tot het Publiekrecht (Historical and Comparative Introduction to Public Law) (Prof. dr. F. Dhondt)
First Year Bachelor of Laws, 6 ECTS
Introduction à la Recherche Scientifique en Droit (Introduction to Legal Research) (Prof. dr. F. Audren)
Second Year Bachelor of Laws, 6 ECTS
Inleiding tot de Rechts- en Moraalfilosofie (Introduction to Legal and Moral Philosophy) (Prof. dr. N. Van Dijk)
Second Year Bachelor of Science in Criminology, 6 ECTS
Veiligheid, Terrorisme en Mensenrechten (Security, Terrorism and Human Rights) (Prof. dr. J.-M. Piret)
Master of Laws, Master of Science in Criminology, 6 ECTS (optional course)
Rechtsfilosofie (Philosophy of Law) (Prof. dr. N. Van Dijk)
Master of Laws, 6 ECTS (optional course)
Legal Theory (Prof. dr. L. De Sutter)
Master of Laws, 6 ECTS (optional course)
Master of Laws, 6 ECTS (optional course)
Master of Laws, 6 ECTS (optional course)
Master of Laws, 6 ECTS
Master of Laws, 18 ECTS
- "de Basilica" (Byzantine Law)
- "Rooms-Fries recht" (Roman-Frisian Law, case study of archival material of the Court of Frisia)
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