
The research group members teach or coordinate the following courses:

Politieke Geschiedenis van België (Political history of Belgium) (Prof. dr. F. Dhondt)
First Year Bachelor of Laws/First Year Bachelor of Science in Criminology, 6 ECTS 

Rechtssociologie en Inleiding tot de Sociologie (Sociology of Law and Introduction to Sociology) (Prof. dr. N. Van Dijk)
First Year Bachelor of Laws/First Year Bachelor of Science in Criminology, 6 ECTS 

Historische Inleiding tot het Privaatrecht (Historical Introduction to Private Law) (Prof. dr. D. De ruysscher)
First Year Bachelor of Laws, 6 ECTS

Inleiding tot de Rechtsfilosofie (Introduction to Philosophy of Law) (Prof. dr. N. Van Dijk)
First Year Bachelor of Laws, 6 ECTS

Historische en Vergelijkende Inleiding tot het Publiekrecht (Historical and Comparative Introduction to Public Law) (Prof. dr. F. Dhondt)
First Year Bachelor of Laws, 6 ECTS

Introduction à la Recherche Scientifique en Droit (Introduction to Legal Research) (Prof. dr. F. Audren)
Second Year Bachelor of Laws, 6 ECTS

Inleiding tot de Rechts- en Moraalfilosofie (Introduction to Legal and Moral Philosophy) (Prof. dr. N. Van Dijk)
Second Year Bachelor of Science in Criminology, 6 ECTS

Veiligheid, Terrorisme en Mensenrechten (Security, Terrorism and Human Rights) (Prof. dr. J.-M. Piret)
Master of Laws, Master of Science in Criminology, 6 ECTS (optional course)

Rechtsfilosofie (Philosophy of Law) (Prof. dr. N. Van Dijk)
Master of Laws, 6 ECTS (optional course)

Legal Theory (Prof. dr. L. De Sutter)
Master of Laws, 6 ECTS (optional course)

Rechtsgeschiedenis/Legal History (incl. EUTopia Connected Learning Community Legal History: Minority Rights) (Prof. dr. F. Dhondt/dr. R. Cahen)
Master of Laws, 6 ECTS (optional course)
See list of excellent paper summaries (2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022) here.
For the virtual exhibition resulting from our EUTopia CoLeCo in 2021-2022 (with the valued support of Mrs. Ilse Coopman), click here; for the virtual exhibition of the EUTopia CoLeCo in 2022-2023, click here (with the valued support of dr. Elisabeth Bruyère), click here.

Designing, Proposing and Presenting Research (Prof. dr. D. De ruysscher)
Master of Laws, 6 ECTS (optional course)

Master Thesis I: Onderzoeksplan (Master Thesis I: Research Plan) (Prof. dr. N. Van Dijk)
Master of Laws, 6 ECTS

Master Thesis II: Scriptie (Master Thesis II: Dissertation) (Prof. dr. F. Dhondt)
Master of Laws, 18 ECTS

Full course sheets can be found in the VUB's study guide.

In February 2023, Prof. mr. dr. Hylkje de Jong (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) taught two series of Privatissima as Guest Professor on the Wisselleerstoel Oud-Vaderlands Recht 2022-2023:
- "de Basilica" (Byzantine Law)
- "Rooms-Fries recht" (Roman-Frisian Law, case study of archival material of the Court of Frisia)
Twice 40 students participated actively in these sessions and obtained a certificate.


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