Elisabeth Bruyère


Elisabeth Bruyère is a researcher in contemporary history and a Doctor of Law (University of Ghent). In September 2022 she joined the CORE research group as a teaching assistant, to help Prof. dr. Frederik Dhondt with the Eutopia University project, aiming to connect students from different European Campuses on a legal history theme. As of September 2023, Elisabeth has kindly agreed to remain on board as an unpaid associate.

Postdoctoral fellow at the Academia Belgica in Rome, Elisabeth Bruyère is also a research associate at the UCLouvain. Bruyère, who has been living in Rome since April 2021, has been consulting the Vatican archives on a daily basis. Supported by the Lambert Darchis Foundation, she will remain there until June 2023. 

After having worked for a year on the composition of inventories of the archives of the Pontificate of Pius XII for KADOC-KULeuven, she is currently developing a research project on the native clergy of the Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi (1930-1962). 

Bruyère studied law at the University of Liège. She then benefited from a BOF grant (Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds) for four years to study the legal scholar and philosopher François Laurent at the University of Ghent. In this context, she carried out research stays in Paris and Rome.

Contact: Elisabeth dot Bruyere at vub dot be
Office 4B308


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