VACANCY: Part-Time Teaching Associate (20%) for the EUTopia Connected Learning Community Legal History (SEP 2022-AUG 2023); DEADLINE 15 AUG 2022


EUTopia is the European University wherin the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and nine other partner institutions have jointly undertaken an ambitious programme of integration in teaching and research.

Connected Learning Community Legal History:Minority Rights

The EUTopia Connected Learning Community Legal History recruits a 20% Teaching Associate ("Pedagogisch Medewerker") to support the activities in the academic year 2022-2023. The EUTopia Connected Learning Communities are incubators for innovative and societally relevant teaching methods. They enable us to connect students from the various EUTopia campuses across the continent.

The Learning Community Legal History is part of the second wave of CoLeCos. Its first year of operations (2022-2023) brought together students from Brussels (VUB), Barcelona (UPF), Warwick, Ljubljana and CY Paris in a physical peak event and a number of online lectures, seminars and informal exchange moments. Lecturers, external experts and students reflected an exchanged on the transversal theme of Minority Rights. Student reports of the former can be found on the CoLeCo's blog.

The formal output (on the basis of which students have been evaluated) consisted in an online exhibition, which can be consulted here. Our students mobilised:
- embedding sources from Google Books/Gallica/Europeana
- audiovisual material, whereby they linked up legal history and an urban environment (e.g. for the Brussels case on linguistic rights: the Schaarbeek Townhall, the Palace of Justice, the ULB's buildings on the Avenue F. Roosevelt)

Task description

- Support of the Connected Learning Community lead (prof. F. Dhondt) and partners (Prof. A. Aragoneses/UPF Barcelona - Prof. C. Argyriadis-Kervégan/CY Paris - Prof. Katja Skrubej/Ljulbljana - dr. Jane Bryan/Rosie Doyle/Warwick)
- Reporting to the WP2 leads (Prof. J. Anguri/Warwick - Prof. em. Rosette S'Jegers/VUB) and the EUTopia administration
- Co-creation and inspiration for the teaching activities in 2022-2023

Desired profile

- A Master degree, preferrably in Law (or History) and an academic passion for legal history
- Excellent digital skills (Teams, Word, OneDrive, Sharepoint, Excel [HTML knowledge is a plus], for the management of the digital environment wherein hybrid events and collaborative cross-campus connected teaching activities take place
- Elementary notions of social media (twitter, instagram, Youtube, blogger)
- Fluency in English and preferably also French
- Efficacy (note keeping) and punctuality 

We offer

- A stimulating teaching and research environment in the Research Group Contextual Research in Law within the Faculty of Law and Criminology
- A wage according to university standards, Salary Scale 502
- Flexible working conditions (most work can be done from home); the mission amounts to a day's work on average every week, but can of course be more intense around the peak event and the online exhibition
- Extralegal advantages, public transport cost coverage and use of university facilities (swimming pool, student restaurant, online databases, library...) 

Practical aspects

We expect:

- a cv (including marks and grades) and cover letter
- by 15 August 2022
- sent to frederik dot dhondt at vub dot be

Candidates will be informed quickly after 15 August. We aim for a start of the position on 1 September 2022, running to 31 August 2023.


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