VIRTUAL EXHIBITION: EUTopia Connected Learning Community Legal History: Minority Rights
(image source: EUTopiaLegalHistory)
The Connected Learning Community Legal History:Minority Rights, established within EUTopia at the joint initiative of the VUB (Prof. Dhondt, dr. Cahen) and CY Paris (Prof. Argyriadis-Kervégan), allows students of both institutions to work with their colleagues from Barcelona (UPF, Prof. Aragoneses), Warwick (dr. Bryan/dr. Doyle) and Ljubljana (Prof. Skrubej), with the guidance of three external experts (dr. Leon Castellanos Jankiewicz/Asser Institute - dr. Emmanuel dalle Mulle/Graduate Institute-Universidad Autonoma de Madrid - dr. Daniel Grafenauer/Institute of Ethnic Studies, Lubljana).
On 30 June, the end result of this year's group has been published as a virtual exhibition. More details on the EUTopia CoLeCo Legal History Blog.
The VUB student delegation treated the case of Dutch speakers in Brussels as a minority. Their audiovisual interventions are integrated in the blog and exhibition, but can be found below as well:
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