REMINDER: Doctorate Honoris Causa Prof. em. dr. dr. h.c. mult. Martti KOSKENNIEMI (Brussels: VUB (Aula Q), 1 JUN 2023, 11:00) (REGISTRATION MANDATORY)

(image source: VUB - Marcom) The Vrije Universiteit Brussels will award a doctorate honoris causa to Prof. em. dr. dr. h.c. mult. Martti KOSKENNIEMI (University of Helsinki), at the proposal of the Faculty of Law and Criminology (initiated by prof. Frederik Dhondt ). Prof. Koskenniemi is incontourable as scholar in public international law in the last two decades, specifically for its history and theory. His magnum opus From Apology to Utopia. The Structure of International Legal Argument (Lakimiesliiton Kustannus, 1989, 2nd ed. Cambridge university Press, 2006), the subsequent The Gentle Civilizer of Nations, The Rise and Fall of International Law 1870-1960 (Cambridge university Press, 2001) and the recent To The Uttermost Parts of the Earth. Legal Imagination and International Power, 1300-1870 (Cambridge university Press, 2021) are mandatory reading for anybody in the field of internationa...