Wouter De Rycke


Wouter De Rycke studied law (Universiteit Gent, 2017). In October 2017 he joined the CORE research group as a legal historian and teaching assistant. At the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, he teaches seminars for the courses Historische en Vergelijkende Inleiding tot het Publiekrecht (Historical and Comparative Introduction to Public Law), and Politieke Geschiedenis van België (Political History of Belgium). Previously, he taught seminars for the courses Historische inleiding tot het Recht (Historical introduction to law and Rechtsmethodologie I (Legal Methodology I).

Since 2018, Wouter De Rycke is preparing a PhD-dissertation in law entitled "The Legal Construction of Peace before 1870. Networks and Arguments", under the joint direction of Prof. dr. Frederik Dhondt and Prof. dr. Raphael Cahen. In March and April 2020, Mr. De Rycke will be a visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History in Frankfurt am Main.

Since 1 October 2020 on, Mr. De Rycke is a scientific researcher (PhD-Fellow) on the FWO Junior Fundamental Research Project (2020-2023) G015420N "The Legal Construction of Peace before 1870. Networks and Arguments" (supervisor: Prof. dr. F. Dhondt; co-supervisor Prof. dr. R. Cahen).

In June 2019, Mr. De Rycke was a member of the organising committee of the XXVth Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians: Identity, Citizenship and Legal History, together with dra. Stephanie Plasschaert and drs. Cornelis Marinus (Marco) in 't Veld. This international conference for PhD-students and young postdocs was hosted together with the Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles, the Université libre de Bruxelles and CORE.

Mr. De Rycke is secretary-at-large (Redactiesecretaris) and blogger of the Scientific Association Standen & Landen/Anciens Pays et Assemblées d'États.

On 14 September 2023, Wouter succesfully defended his PhD Thesis Justifying Utopia ? A Legal History of the International Peace Movement, 1815-1873.


See Wouter's PURE profile page.

Contact: wouter de dot rycke at vub dot be
Office B 4.23


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