Vincenzo De Meulenaere

Vincenzo De Meulenaere is historian (UGent). He assisted with the digitization of course material, documentary research and the interactive course design for Political History of Belgium as part-time teaching associate and teaches seminars (United Kingdom) for the course Historical and Comparative Introduction to Public Law.

Vincenzo De Meulenaere studied Early Modern History (2010) and International Politics (2012) at Ghent University. His master’s theses focussed on the diplomatic relations between England and the Habsburgs during the reign of Mary Tudor (1553-58) and the role of the Commonwealth of Nations in recent British foreign policy. After his studies he completed traineeships at the European Liberal Forum, the European Commission (DG HOME), the European Parliament (ALDE Group) and the Committee of the Regions. In 2015 he joined the UK Permanent Representation to the EU (since February 2020 the UK Mission to the EU) where he led on EU Civil Protection/Crisis Management policy. In 2021 he joined the UK Embassy to Belgium as Social Affairs Attaché, leading on health, economics and higher education.

Vincenzo is primarily interested in topics related early modern diplomacy, 16th century Tudor politics and Belgian political history. In 2013 he published 'To bring good agreement and concord to Christendom': the Conference of Marck (1555) and English neutrality, 1553-1557', co-authored by prof.dr. Rene Vermeir (UGent) Revue du Nord 2013/2-3, 681-698 (DOI 10.3917/rdn.400.0681)

Contact: Vincenzo dot de dot meulenaere at vub dot be

Office: 4.B.21


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