Marco in 't Veld


Marco in ’t Veld studied law (Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2015) and philosophy of law and social sciences (Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2015). He joined the CORE research group as of 1 October 2016. There he works on a FWO-project about the informal rules of trade in Amsterdam and Lyon in the early eighteenth century. (Cataloguing Customs of Trade: Looking Behind the Labels (Amsterdam and Lyon, 1700-1730), promoter: D. De ruysscher.)

The project Marco is working on, is funded by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO).

In June 2019, Mr. in 't Veld was a member of the organising committee of the XXVth Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians: Identity, Citizenship and Legal History, together with dra. Stephanie Plasschaert and drs. Wouter De Rycke. This international conference for PhD-students and young postdocs was hosted together with the Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles, the Université libre de Bruxelles and CORE.


See Marco's profile page on PURE.

Contact: Cornelis dot in dot t dot veld at vub dot be  


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