
Showing posts from January, 2025

VACANCY: Assistant (fulltime) at the Centre d'histoire du droit et d'anthropologie juridique (ULB) (DEADLINE 31 MARCH 2025)

Our colleagues of the Centre d'histoire du droit et d'anthropologie juridique  (ULB) have a vacancy for one fulltime academic assistant, the mandate starts on 1 October 2025. Read more here .


Prior to the creation of this website, the Research Group Contextual Research in Law (created in 2013 at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel) had a site announcing events, publications... As a complement to the information listed on the present website (which started in March 2022), the list below gives an overview of our activities since. For a list of PhD defenses, see here . 2012-2013 Conference 'Inheritance, patrimonial rights and blended families: confronting past and present' (KVAB, 23 November 2012) Nowadays the newly composed or blended family is a widespread phenomenon. Nonetheless, it still defies jurists, and particularly with regard to the legal relationship between children from a former relationship on the one hand side, and the new partner of their parent and his/her siblings on the other. The transition of (parts of) an estate from one family to the next and the patrimonial rights of members of former families vis-à-vis those of new ones, are crucial issues. Since 19...