WORKSHOP PRESENTATION: Louis DEBERSAQUES in Intertwining Architectural History with Legal History (Coimbra: University of Coimbra, 27 SEP 2024)

(Source: CONFORM ) Louis Debersaques will present on the international workshop titled “Intertwining Architectural History with Legal History”. His presentation on legal consciousness of Belgian builders will take place on Friday September 27th in the archive (Sala D. João III) of the University of Coimbra, Portugal. The content of the presentation mainly revolves around the use and analysis of witness interrogations (correctional tribunal) concerning construction site accidents; conducted by both the local police and the investigating judge. Original call for papers : “Intertwining Architectural History with Legal History. This workshop aims to encourage interdisciplinary discussions and international collaborations that explore the intersection of Architectural History and Legal History. As Architectural History expands towards the cultural history of the built environment, surpassing traditional focus on design and artistic aspects, Legal History encompasse...