
Showing posts from July, 2024

SUMMER BREAK: no posts until 13 AUG

(image source: Bing Image Generator)  This blog will be silent until 13 August. Enjoy the Summer.

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: PHEDRA Winter School, 'Corporate and mercantile bankruptcy, insolvency and debt: approaches from legal and economic history' (Venice, 29-31 OCT 2024) [DEADLINE 20 AUG 2024]

    Corporate and mercantile bankruptcy, insolvency and debt: approaches from legal and economic history Venice, 29-31 October 2024 Call for applications In October 2024, the PHEDRA network will organize a workshop on the history of insolvency and bankruptcy (Middle Ages-19 th century). This workshop has the aim to delve into these themes and to explore the combined legal and economic aspects of phenomena connected to insolvency and bankruptcy. From the vantage point of economic history, insolvency is linked to credit, private and public ordering. Legal historians have emphasized the cultural aspects of insolvency regulations and the transplanting of remedies and proceedings.  The hybridity of the problem of insolvency, which touches upon both economic and legal questions, also in their combination, invites further reflection. The workshop consists of a series of lectures by specialists on the topic and presentations by doctoral candidates on their research .  PhD students working o

CALL FOR PAPERS: Residues and Innovations within Imperial Orders. Political Assemblies in Continental Europe, 1800-1850 (Warsaw: DHI, PAS, 23-24 JAN 2025); DEADLINE 31 AUG 2024

  (image source: IHPAN ) Our visitor dr. Piotr Kuligowski co-organizes a conference on 19th century parliamentary history in Warsaw in January 2025. A call for papers can be found here .

PRE-ORDER: Raphaël CAHEN, Jean-Baptiste PIERCHON & Pierre ALLORANT (dir.), Étienne-Denis Pasquier: un parlementaire gallican (1767-1862) (Paris: Mare & Martin, OCT 2024)

  (image: Porträt von Ètienne Denis Pasquier - Deutsche Fotothek, Germany - Public Domain; Europeana ) Abstract: Étienne-Denis Pasquier fut l'un des hommes politiques les plus importants de la première moitié du XIXe siècle. Ancien préfet de police de Paris (1810-1814), il fut député de la Seine puis pair de France sous la Restauration, tout en effectuant une riche carrière ministérielle (il fut garde des Sceaux à deux reprises puis ministre des Affaires étrangères, sous le règne de Louis XVIII). Pasquier se rallia ensuite à Louis-Philippe qui le nomma président de la Chambre des pairs (au mois d'août 1830) puis chancelier de France (en 1837). Contraint de quitter la vie politique à la suite de la Révolution de 1848, Étienne-Denis Pasquier consacra sa retraite à la rédaction de ses Mémoires (commencés en 1822) et à l'écriture de nombreux articles historiques et politiques (demeurés inédits). L'ambition de cet ouvrage est de revenir sur les aspects méconnus de la carriè

CHAPTER: Laurent DESUTTER, "Les commandements de l'art: Notes sur la légalité esthétique", in: Sandrine CARNEROLI (dir.), Arts-Loi/Kunst-Wet. Plateforme du droit et de l'art contemporain (Bruxelles: Larcier-Intersentia, 2024), pp. 9-19, ISBN 9782807942745

(image source: Saint Martin Bookshop )   Prof. Laurent Desutter contributed a chapter to a collective work on art and law. More information here .

CALL FOR PAPERS/APPEL A CONTRIBUTIONS: The Worlds of Pre-Modern Neutrality (ca. 1400-1800): Norms, Institutions and Practices (Antwerp: Conscience Heritage Library, 8-9 MAY 2025); DEADLINE 1 OCT 2024

(image souce: Bing Image Creator) Dr. Stefano Cattelan and Prof. Frederik Dhondt convene a symposium on the "Worlds of Premodern Neutrality (1400-1800)" in Antwerp (Conscience Heritage Library) on 8-9 May 2025 . This symposium takes place within the framework of FWO Junior Fundamental Research Project G016122N: In the Shadow of the Great Powers. Neutrality and the Law of the Sea in the Long Eighteenth Century (2024-2026). Confirmed keynote speakers are prof. Silvia Marzagalli (Nice) and prof. Eric Schnakenbourg (Nantes). A call for papers has been opened as well (deadline 1 October 2024) .  Read more/lisez davantage here/ici .

ENCYCLOPEDIA ENTRY: Stanislas HORVAT & Xavier ROUSSEAUX, "Repressie na de Eerste Wereldoorlog" (Nieuwe Encyclopedia van de Vlaamse Beweging, 2024)

 (image source: Bing Image Generator) Prof. Stanislas Horvat (voluntary collaborator) and Prof. em. Xavier Rousseaux (UCLouvain) jointly authored the entry on "Repression after World War One" for the Nieuwe Encyclopedie van de Vlaamse Beweging . Read the text in open access here .

ARTICLE: Kaat CAPPELLE & Klaas VAN GELDER, "Tagging Manorial Police Regulations in Medieval and Early Modern Flanders: Some Methodological Reflections" (Journal for Digital Legal History II (2024), nr. 1) [OEN ACCESS]

(image source: UGent )   dr. Kaat Cappelle (voluntary collaborator) and prof. Klaas Van Gelder (VUB-HOST/State Archives) published an article in open access. Abstract: In the 1990s, the team around Karl Härter and Michael Stolleis at the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History (today: the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory) developed a four-tier taxonomy to tag police ordinances in the Holy Roman Empire. This taxonomy contained some 1,200 keywords, divided into 5 societal sectors, 25 regulatory areas, and c. 200 police matters. The goal of this taxonomy was to enable comparative, interterritorial research. In our present research, we took this taxonomy, designed for princely legislation and ordinances promulgated in imperial towns, and applied it to a corpus of 109 medieval and early modern police regulations stemming from manors in the county of Flanders. These regulations are compilations of legal provisions on all aspects of daily life in rural communit

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Dave DE RUYSSCHER, Bibliography History of International Economic and Commercial Law (BiHECL) [OPEN ACCESS]

  (image: Oude Beursplein, Brugge; source: Wikimedia Commons ) Prof. Dave De ruysscher published a Bibliography History of International Economic and Commercial Law  on in open access. Introduction: This bibliography, as it stands now, contains monographs, chapters and articles (not primary sources), written in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish and Dutch, that were published from 1870. The geographical scope is limited to Europe and the Americas. As concerns Europe, no references regarding Antiquity are included (except for the Roman law on partnership and insolvency). Attention is paid to Nordic, Arab and Jewish influences. Some source editions of treaties are mentioned. In the future, this bibliography will be expanded to include source editions and doctrinal texts, of both before and after 1900. Read more here . 

MEDIA: Prof. Dhondt on TerZake (VRT Canvas, 8 JUL 2024)

  (image: Place de la République (Paris); source: Wikimedia Commons ) Prof. Frederik Dhondt (who teaches Historical and Comparative Introduction to Public Law) was invited on TerZake (VRT Canvas) to comment on the outcome of the snap elections of the French Assemblée Nationale . The recording (in Dutch) can be watched here .

EUTOPIA: Four new contributions on the CoLeCo Legal History Blog

Four new contributions have been added on the EUTopia CoLeCo Legal History blog, authored by students from our partners CY Paris and Warwick. Read them here .