ARTICLE: Maximilien STORME, "Edouard Descamps - Belgisch Apostel van Vrede door het Recht" (Revue Belge de Droit International 2022/1-2, 499-536)

The Revue Belge de Droit International (Bruylant) published an article by alumnus and voluntary collaborator Maximilien Storme, "Edouard Descamps - Belgisch apostel van vrede door het recht" (pp. 499-536, Issue 2022/1-2). This opportunity was offered by the Belgian Society of International Law . Mr. Storme won the 2022 Thesis Prize organised by the Society with his MA Thesis in Law. His work (2020-2022) was supervised by prof. Dhondt and graded by dr. Cahen (assessor). Read the article on Stradalex (login required). Contact the author at maximilien dot storme at vub dot be.