
Showing posts from June, 2023

CONFERENCE: 16th Congress of the International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (Roma: Sapienza University/University of Rome "Tor Vergata", 3-7 JUL)

  (image: "Belseburs" offer ter Hulding des Eersten Paus van Rome; source: Europeana/Rijksmuseum ) dr. Stefano Cattelan and Prof. Frederik Dhondt  will present papers at the 16th Congress of the International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies in Rome.  Consult the conference website for further information .

BOOK: Oscar FERREIRA & Fabrice HOARAU (dir.), Les Forces armées, gardiennes des institutions et des libertés (Rencontres;592) (Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2023), ISBN 9782406150626

  Prof. Frederik Dhondt  contributed a chapter to the edited volumes Les Forces armées, gardiennes des institutions et des libertés  (dir. Oscar Ferreira & Fabrice Hoarau, Classiques Garnier). The book is scheduled to appear early in August, but can already be ordered (cf. image above).

SUMMER SCHOOL: CORE at the ELSA Law School (23-29 JUL 2023)

(Hugo Grotius by Van Mierevelt; source: ) dr. Stefano Cattelan ( The Laws of War on Land in Historical Perspective) and drs. Wouter De Rycke ( The Impact of the Nineteenth Century Peace Movement on the Establishment of the Contemporary Ius Contra Bellum  teach at the ELSA Brussels Summer School (23, 26 July 2023)  on the Laws of War.  More information at ELSA’s internet channels . 

CONFERENCE: Seventh Biennial Conference of the European Society for Comparative Legal History (Augsburg: Universität Augsburg, 21-23 JUN 2023)

    (image: the Religious Peace of Augsburg, 1555; source:  Wikimedia Commons ) Prof.  Dave De ruysscher , Prof.  Frederik Dhondt , dr.  Stefano Cattelan  and drs.  Wouter De Rycke  will present at the  Seventh Biennial Conference of the European Society for Comparative Legal History  in Augsburg (21-23 June 2023). Dr.  Raphaël Cahen  will preside several panels. Drs.  Rodrick Van der Smissen  will participate in the PhD-workshop. The programme can be consulted on the conference  website . (source:  ESCLH )


  (image source: EUTopia website ) EUTopia, the European University uniting the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and nine other partners, offers a partnering tool  for postdoc fellowships under the European Commission's MSCA actions. Prospective candidates can construct an application with a supervisor from another EUTopia-institution, or with one in our group .  CORE has welcomed dr. Raphaël Cahen (2017-2019) as MSCA incoming Pegasus² fellow (co-fund programme with the FWO), as well as dr. Stefano Cattelan (2022-2023) as incoming Carlsberg Foundation Internationalisation Grantee. Besides the applications for FWO Junior and Senior Postdoctoral Fellows, the MSCA Fellowships are an important channel to attract PhD graduates for fundamental research purposes. Eligibility: Supported fellows must be postdoctoral researchers at the date of the call deadline, i.e. in a possession of a doctoral degree before 13 September 2023, defined as a successfully defended doctoral thesis, even ...

ADVANCE ARTICLE: Filip BATSELÉ, "Foreign Investors of the World, Unite! The International Association for the Promotion and Protection of Private Foreign Investments (APPI) 1958–1968" (EJIL)

(image source: OUP ) The European Journal of International Law publishes an advance article by voluntary associate drs. Filip Batselé (PhD-Fellow of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), under supervision of Prof. Dirk Heirbaut (UGent) and prof. Frederik Dhondt , and Joint PhD candidate at the Université libre de Bruxelles, under supervision of Prof. Nicolas Angelet). Abstract: This article studies lobbying efforts by the actors that investment treaties protect – namely, foreign investors. It uses a legal-historical approach to analyse the activities of the International Association for the Promotion and Protection of Private Foreign Investments (Association internationale pour la promotion et la protection des investissements privés en territoires étrangers or APPI), a transnational business interest association that lobbied for better protection of private foreign investment under international law. The article considers the role of this group in lobbying for three multilateral in...

DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA CEREMONY: Looking back at the ceremony

  (image source: VUB ) Last week, Martti Koskenniemi received an honorary doctorate  from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, at the proposal of the Faculty of Law and Criminology, as a recognition of his outstanding scholarship in international law, legal theory and legal history. Pictures of the event can be found here . 

BOOK REVIEWS: Stefano Cattelan in Nuova Antologia Militare 15 (2023), 717-721 & 729-737 [OPEN ACCESS]

  (image source: NAM ) Dr. Stefano Cattelan published two book reviews in the Nuova Antologia Militare  (nr. 15/2023): - Svante Norrhem & Eric Thomson, Subsidies, Diplomacy, and State Formation in Europe, 1494-1789. Economies of Allegiance - Alexandre Joubelin, Par le fer et par le feu. Combattre dans l'Atlantique (XVIe-XVIIe siècles) The full issue can be read in open access here .

PhD DEFENSE: Niels FIEREMANS, Law, Leverage and Litigation: Legal Strategies of Foreign Merchants before the Courts of Late Medieval Bruges (Ghent: UGent, Aula Academica, 28 JUNE 2023)

  Our member drs. Niels Fieremans (researcher, FWO Fundamental Research Project) will defend his Joint PhD  in history and law with prof. dr. Jan Dumolyn (UGent), Prof. dr. Dirk Heirbaut (UGent/KVAB) and Prof. dr. Dave De ruysscher (VUB) as supervisors on Wednesday 28 June  at 16:00  in the Aula Academica in Ghent. More information on the image above (click enlarge).

CONFERENCE: Journées internationales de la Société d'histoire du droit (Lausanne, 1-4 JUN 2023)

  dra. Léna Sylvestre participates in the Journées internationales  of the Société d'histoire du droit , held in Lausanne this year. She presents in the PhD seminar on the following topic: Le multilinguisme et les divergences linguistiques dans les affaires de la CIJ : réel désavantage pour l’application du droit international ? Consult the full program here .