(image source: EUTopia website ) EUTopia, the European University uniting the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and nine other partners, offers a partnering tool for postdoc fellowships under the European Commission's MSCA actions. Prospective candidates can construct an application with a supervisor from another EUTopia-institution, or with one in our group . CORE has welcomed dr. Raphaël Cahen (2017-2019) as MSCA incoming Pegasus² fellow (co-fund programme with the FWO), as well as dr. Stefano Cattelan (2022-2023) as incoming Carlsberg Foundation Internationalisation Grantee. Besides the applications for FWO Junior and Senior Postdoctoral Fellows, the MSCA Fellowships are an important channel to attract PhD graduates for fundamental research purposes. Eligibility: Supported fellows must be postdoctoral researchers at the date of the call deadline, i.e. in a possession of a doctoral degree before 13 September 2023, defined as a successfully defended doctoral thesis, even ...