BLOG: Koninklijke Commissie voor de Uitgave van Oude Wetten en Verordeningen van België/Commission Royale pour la Publication des Anciennes Lois et Ordonnances de Belgique


The Royal Commission for the Publication of Old Laws and Ordinances launches its brand-new blog today. Prof. De ruysscher and Prof. Dhondt (president) are members of this organ, instated by Royal Decree in April 1846 by King Leopold I of the Belgians. 

Student-researchers Max Van den Bosch and Senne De Kerpel redacted biographical notes on two top jurists who served as the Commission's presidents: Matthieu Leclercq (1796-1889) and Charles Faider (1811-1893).

The blog will regularily communicate on the commission's members and on its past (digital) publications, besides announcing new volumes.


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