SPECIAL JOURNAL SECTION: Raphaël CAHEN, Frederik DHONDT & Elisabetta FIOCCHI MALASPINA (eds.), Entangled National and International Legal Orders in the Long Nineteenth Century (Forum Historiae Iuris, OCT-NOV 2022) OPEN ACCESS


(Image: prof. Fiocchi Malaspina, Zurich, 3 March 2020)

Dr. Raphaël Cahen and prof. Frederik Dhondt co-edited with prof. Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina (Zurich) the special section “Entangled National and International Legal Orders in the Long Nineteenth Century” for the open access journal Forum Historiae Iuris. This section contains the papers presented at a conference hosted by the University of Zurich (Chair prof. Thier) in March 2020.

The introduction and the first article (by prof. em. Pietro Costa (Firenze)) are already available. The contributions by prof. Lisa Ford (UNSW), prof. Inge Van Hulle (KU Leuven/Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt) and the three co-editors will be released in batches in the coming weeks. Read the introduction to discover more!


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