REMINDER: CORE LEGAL THEORY SEMINAR: Lauréline FONTAINE (Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle), "The Constitution as Social Fetish" (VUB: room C4.09, 4 APR 2025)
(image source: CitéPhilo)
Introduction by Laurent de Sutter.
Constitutions have good press. Associated with marks of progress, they have nourished since their appearance the political imaginations of peoples aspiring to emancipation. The history of constitutionalism is however far from the story that is commonly made of it. Constitutional texts have never had the virtues that they are given: rather than promoting social progress and equality, they have most often been tools of domination. Despite their seductive rhetoric, these writings are indeed powerless to bring about the ideals they proclaim. Unable to limit the power of constituted interests, they served above all the assertion of an economic rationality indifferent to the fate of the populations, under the guise of defense of the rule of law and freedoms. Tracing the history of writing constitutions and their effects, Laureline Fontaine offers an innovative criticism of this foundation of liberal societies. It shows that the era of Homo Constitutionalis, started in the 18th century, is that of faith in a religion which serves the greatest number, maintaining the peoples at a distance from the exercise of power.
On the author:
Laureline Fontaine is a professor of public and constitutional law at the university of Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle. She is the award-winning author of several books, among which La constitution maltraitée. Anatomie du Conseil Constitutionnel (Amsterdam, 2023) and La Constitution au XXIe siècle. Anatomie d’un fétiche social (Amsterdam, 2024) She animates the blog
Place and time:
VUB, room C4.09, 16:00-17:30
RSVP with Rodrick dot Van dot der dot smissen at vub dot be. A hybrid link is available upon request.
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