ARTICLE: Dave DE RUYSSCHER, "The merchant on stage: Grand narratives in the history of commercial law" (Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte XLV (2023), nr. 1/2), 75-96

(image source: ZNR)

The historiography on commercial law in Europe for the later Middle Ages and early modern period has greatly changed over the course of two centuries. A decisive moment was the recalibration of commercial law to a law of merchants, at the end of the nineteenth century. The category of merchant became dominant. This resulted in a perspective that mercantile law existed outside the framework of the state and beyond the reach of jurists. Looking at the coming into being of these views allows to see paths for scholarship on the theme in the future.
Read the article here: DOI 10.5771/0250-6459-2023-1


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