PHD DEFENSE: Florenz VOLKAERT, “Commercial treaties (1860-1914): a networked history of international law and trade” (Gent: UGent, 3 NOV 2023)


(Source: UGent)

Drs. Florenz Volkaert, PhD-researcher at UGent and voluntary associate at CORE, will publicly defend his PhD-dissertation “Commercial treaties (1860-1914): a networked history of international law and trade”on Friday 3 November 2023 at 17:30

About the dissertation:   

The doctoral thesis examines commercial treaties in international law from 1860 to 1914, using methodological tools from network science. First, it finds that economic historians have overestimated the importance of the Cobden-Chevalier network of commercial treaties (1860-1871) due to a misunderstanding of the substantive legal clauses and a Eurocentric reading of the treaties. Second, it provides a critical overview of the development of international legal doctrine (1886-1914). The doctoral thesis illustrates how international lawyers legitimised colonialism and imperialism in the construction of legal doctrine, American exceptionalism, the reception and appropriation of European legal concepts in the semi-periphery, and the interactions between economic science and international law for the interpretation of commercial treaties. It moreover relies on citation network analysis and prosopography to reflect on the interdisciplinarity and professional characteristics of the international legal profession.

More information in following :




public PhD  defence

(on campus)



You are kindly invited to the public PhD defence of


Florenz Volkaert


Commercial treaties (1860-1914): a networked history of international law and trade



  Prof. Dirk Heibaut (promotor 1)

Prof. Frederik Dhondt (promotor 2 – VUB)



Examination board:




Prof.  Freya Baetens (Oxford University)

Prof.  Inge van Hulle (KULeuven)

Prof. Raphaël Cahen (VUB)

Prof. Frank Caestecker

Dr.  José Gustavo Prieto Muñoz

Prof. Michel Tison (chair)




Practical details:





3 November 2023 at 5.30 p.m. 

Aula Voldersstraat 9 - 9000 Gent





The public defence is followed by a reception

Please register:



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