PHD DEFENSE: Filip BATSELÉ, “The Start of a Regime: The First Generation of Western European Bilateral Investment Treaties (1959-1989)” (Gent: Joint PhD UGent/ULB, 30 OCT 2023)


Drs. Filip Batselé, voluntary associate at CORE, who did a Joint PhD UGent-ULB will publicly defend his PhD-dissertation “The Start of a Regime: The First Generation of Western European Bilateral Investment Treaties (1959-1989)” on Monday 30 October 2023 at 18:00

About the dissertation:   

On a worldwide basis, there exist more than 3000 bilateral investment treaties (BITs). These are international agreements between (usually) two states in which both sides agree to specific legal rules and dispute settlement procedures to govern investments undertaken by nationals of one treaty party in the territory of the other treaty party. This thesis investigates the origins of those treaties. Why do BITs look the way they do? Why did Western European countries start negotiating these agreements? What did diplomats aim to do when including some inherently vague provisions (e.g. the requirement to provide ‘fair and equitable treatment’) in these BITs? This thesis zooms in on the law and policy of BITs in (West-)Germany, Switzerland and The Netherlands, three early and very active negotiators, using an extensive corpus of archival sources from both state and private archives that have not been looked at before by lawyers or historians. 

More information in following :



public PhD  defence

(on campus with live streaming)



You are kindly invited to the public PhD defence of


Filip Batselé


“The Start of a Regime: The First Generation of Western European Bilateral Investment Treaties (1959-1989)”


Joint Phd UGent-ULB



  Prof. Dirk Heirbaut (UGent)

  Prof. Frederik Dhondt (VUB)

  Prof. Nicolas Angelet (ULB)


Examination board:




Prof. Krista Nadakavukaren-Schefer (Swiss Institute of Comparative Law)

Prof. Oliver Corten (ULB )

Prof. Kim Oosterlinck (ULB)

Prof. Tom Ruys (UGent)

Prof. Maud Piers (UGent)

Prof. Michel Tison (chair - UGent)




Practical details:





30 October 2023 at 6 p.m. 

Aula, Voldersstraat 9 - 9000 Gent




The public defence is followed by a reception

Please register:


The Table of Contents of this work can be consulted here.


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