EUTOPIA Cotutelle call (funded PhDs in all disciplines) (DEADLINE 9 MAY 2023)

Following on from the success to the Erasmus+ pilot program in 2020 and to subsequent bids (EUTOPIATRAIN, EUTOPIA-Science and Innovation Fellowships), the partner universities have decided to open the PhD co-tutelle program again this year. This call description details the program’s functioning, funding scheme and practical modalities. The EUTOPIA PhD co-tutelle program supports high-quality PhD projects in all research areas cosupervised by academics of the EUTOPIA member universities. It offers PhD fellowships for 3 to 4 years, depending on the length of doctoral studies in the partner universities. It is expected to lead to highquality research projects with global impact, providing exciting research opportunities for PhD or doctoral candidates. They shall take full advantage of the vibrant scientific environment of the EUTOPIA alliance (the following links give access the research pages of the seven EUTOPIA partner universities active in the 2023 program):

Read further on the EUTopia website.


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