CHAPTER: Frederik DHONDT, "Configuraties van kerk en staat sinds de verlichting" in: P. NIHOUL, B. RENAULD & J. THEUNIS (red.), Réflexions autour de la laïcité - Reflecties over laïciteit. A l’occasion de l’accession à l’éméritat du président François Daout - Ter gelegenheid van de toetreding tot het emeritaat van voorzitter François Daout (Wavre/Brugge: Anthémis/Die Keure, 2022), pp. 15-32, ISBN 978-2-8072-0923-7


(image source: Anthémis)

Prof. Frederik Dhondt published a paper in the acta of a symposium held at the Belgian Constitutional Court at the occasion of the admission of president François Daout to the status of emeritus. The symposium was devoted to the concept of neutrality of the state (laïcité), the chapter explores the French concept from a historical perspective, from the age of Enligthenment on.

More information with the publisher.


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